Don't Put Me on Pause

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Why Should We Have to Pause Anything? 

For the last several decades, as a production team, we’ve created thousands of in-depth, empowering pieces of content for cancer patients and their loved ones. From video interviews to webinars, our goal has always been to produce credible, easy-to-understand, and—most importantly—actionable programming.

As we both entered our mid-40s, our focus naturally began to shift to what we were experiencing in the stage of life called “perimenopause.” In weekly conversations, we compared notes about our own personal experiences, our doctor visits, our friend’s stories. Surely there was plentiful information out there about a transitional phase that has been going on since the beginning of time? And yet…

Then came the pivotal NY Times article, which seemed to be a watershed moment for women of our generation. Were our mothers misled? Did they suffer unnecessarily? The story that is unfolding seems to point to a definitive YES. The global response from the article made it crystal clear—finding credible information that women could turn to for clarity and advice is easier said than done.

So, the next question for us became, how do we help change the standard for our generation and the ones that follow?

Our unique background in providing tools to patients gave us a roadmap for this change. Now, we have made it our goal to identify the gaps in patient education and care, so we can create and share trustworthy information to an online community of perimenopausal and menopausal women.

Because no matter what our hormonal stage—the question to the medical community and society should be clear: Why should we have to pause anything? 

Written By: Thea Burris & Jamie Forward